Thomas Haskett Original paintings

Thomas Haskett was born in Kent, and studied at Canterbury College of Art, and then at Falmouth School of Art. In the early part of his career he worked as an illustrator in Cornwall before establishing himself as a painter in Pembrokeshire almost a decade ago. Whilst working initially in watercolours and inks, he now works mostly in oils.His primary objective is recording the various qualities and varieties of light along the coastlines, hills and mountains of Wales, and thus distilling a sense of place and of time.
Most of his work is produced on location, using boards prepared with his own gesso. His oils paints are also handmade, and all of his frames are hand finished.

Read our recent interview with Thomas Haskett Here…

Available Paintings

‘Above Solva’

Acrylic on board


‘Bright Light off Newgale’

acrylic on board


‘Bright water, Whitesands Bay’

acrylic on board



acrylic on board


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Artist’s Statement.

 I’m an impressionist painter based in West Wales. I take my inspiration from the varied coastline, rocky outcrops and hills of North of Pembrokeshire. Changing light, and its effect on water is what I endeavor to capture and working en plein air is the perfect way of doing so. It’s the truest method of capturing a moment, and the essence of a place.  

 The majority of my work is produced on location, save for the occasional larger studio piece, which is directly informed by my work in the field.  I tend to paint and sketch in a variety of media including watercolour, ink, gouache and graphite, but painting in oil is my main concern.

 I make my own paint, and work on small boards which I can carry easily. This format usually allows me to complete a painting in one session, before the light, or tide change too much.

 Working in oils means that I can get a lot of information down quickly, accurately, and I’m still able to make adjustments as I paint. It’s also quite weather resistant, and so doesn’t freeze, run or fail to dry if it’s too cold.

 Whilst accurate draughtsmanship and good composition are of fundamental importance to me, I strive to maintain the looseness, vitality and freshness that only painting directly from life can bring.